This is one of 'border' work. I call so drawings, in which is included a seed of the new, ugly yet, malformed, with larger amount of vacuum. I don`t like them too much. But there will be alternate come, replete again.
amarantowy rytm zbudzonego lasu
( gdy inwokacja staje sie niemal dotykalną )
krew pulsująca w koronach drzew
( opuszki palców na moich wargach )
przeczucie soczystości, burgund niepewności
ukryte życie płuc
tworzenie świata
amaranthine rhythm of awaken forest
( when invocation becomes almost tangible )
pulsating blood in treetops
( fingertips on my lips )
premonition of succulence, burgundy of hesitation
hidden life of lungs
world's creating
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dark love, tusz, tempera, biała kreda na papierze, 50x68 cm/ ink, temper, chalk on paper, 50x68 cm |
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