Po Bytomiu zawsze chodzę z głową w górze, ma przepiękne kamienice.
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Bytom czarodziejski
Do Bytomskich bram zaczęłam zaglądać po wyjściu z wystawy Pana Jacka Rykały.
Te prace to metafizyka moich bytomskich wędrówek.
City, for which I found a place in my heart ... wonderful and magical deserted. With sunset in dirty, mystic gates. with lush greenery aggressive climbing to their. When I am in Bytom, I always walk with my head up - this city has beautifull tenements.
I invite you to this forum, you can find beautiful photos there
On Bytom`s gates I began to pay attention after leaving the exhibition of Jacka Rykały
These works are metaphysics of my bytom`s walks.
These works are metaphysics of my bytom`s walks.
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