sobota, 27 listopada 2010

Droga Mleczna/Via Lactea

Zaczęły spadać w niebo, jeszcze nie zdążyły obiecać kształtu, czuję ich smak, i zapach.
Gdy dotrę do ich lasu, obietnica zamieni się w czyste zwierzę. Tak śnię. Tak chcę.

They have begun to fall into the sky, they`ve not yet had time to promise a shape, I feel their taste, and smell. When I`ll get to their forest, the promise will turn into a pure animal. I`ve been dreaming. I want so. 

2 komentarze:

  1. Love the way in which, in your drawings, you are considering human condition as a logical part of the totality of the universe, in which you are considering eroticism as a part of astronomy, ... Copernican erotism, etc. Reminds me of the ,,Vitruv-man'' by Leonardo, micro and macro, human anatomy shown as a world map (so called T-map), etc, but your drawings are full of poetry ...

  2. Jak esencjonalnie...obietnice to zawsze dzike zwierzęta, drapieżnie niebezpieczne...
