poniedziałek, 28 grudnia 2020
wtorek, 24 listopada 2020
Drzewo życia/ Tree of Life
ze szczyptą kundalini / with a pinch of Kundalini
*rysunek tuszem na papierze, 30 x 40 cm
*ink drawing on paper, 30 x 40 cm
Kuszenie/ Temptation
Kuszenie św. Antoniego (a rebours)/
Temptation of St Anthony
* rysunek tuszem na papierze, 30 x 40 cm
*ink drawing on paper, 30 x 40 cm
Red ink
*rysunek tuszem na papierze/ ink drawing on paper
poniedziałek, 28 września 2020
Raz jeszcze, surowszym okiem demontażysty.
One more time, with rawer disassembler`s eye.
*Vanitas, rysunek ołówkiem na papierze,
28,6 x 39,6 cm
* Vanitas,
pencil drawing on paper,
28,6 x 39,6 cm
poniedziałek, 21 września 2020
"Light doesn`t help the blind"
*Vanitas, rysunek ołówkiem na papierze,
28,6 x 39,6 cm
* Vanitas,
pencil drawing on paper,
28,6 x 39,6 cm
czwartek, 17 września 2020
A bee circles a clover,
A fisherman mends a glimmering net.
Happy porpoises jump in the sea,
By the rainspout young sparrows are playing
And the snake is gold-skinned as it should always be.
On the day the world ends
Women walk through the fields under their umbrellas,
A drunkard grows sleepy at the edge of a lawn,
Vegetable peddlers shout in the street
And a yellow-sailed boat comes nearer the island,
The voice of a violin lasts in the air
And leads into a tomatoes:
There will be no other end of the world,
There will be no other end of the world.starry night.
And those who expected lightning and thunder
Are disappointed.
And those who expected signs and archangels’ trumps
Do not believe it is happening now.
As long as the sun and the moon are above,
As long as the bumblebee visits a rose,
As long as rosy infants are born
No one believes it is happening now.
Only a white-haired old man, who would be a prophet
Yet is not a prophet, for he’s much too busy,
Warsaw, 1944
Czesław Miłosz ( translated by Anthony Milosz), A Song on the End of the World
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W dzień końca świata
Pszczoła krąży nad kwiatem nasturcji,
Rybak naprawia błyszczącą sieć.
Skaczą w morzu wesołe delfiny,
Młode wróble czepiają się rynny
I wąż ma złotą skórę, jak powinien mieć.
W dzień końca świata
Kobiety idą polem pod parasolkami,
Pijak zasypia na brzegu trawnika,
Nawołują na ulicy sprzedawcy warzywa
I łódka z żółtym żaglem do wyspy podpływa,
Dźwięk skrzypiec w powietrzu trwa
I noc gwiaździstą odmyka.
A którzy czekali błyskawic i gromów,
Są zawiedzeni.
A którzy czekali znaków i archanielskich trąb,
Nie wierzą, że staje się już.
Dopóki słońce i księżyc są w górze,
Dopóki trzmiel nawiedza różę,
Dopóki dzieci różowe się rodzą,
Nikt nie wierzy, że staje się już.
Tylko siwy staruszek, który byłby prorokiem,
Ale nie jest prorokiem, bo ma inne zajęcie,
Powiada przewiązując pomidory:
Innego końca świata nie będzie,
Innego końca świata nie będzie.
Czesław Miłosz, Piosenka o końcu świata
* rysunek ołówkiem i tuszem na papierze, 25 x 32 cm
* pencil and ink drawing on paper, 25 x 32 cm
środa, 9 września 2020
Your fins are frayed and sore
The ocean breeze enchanted you
And led you onto shore
Although you gasp for air you
Share the essence of your waning
And all that's left is hurt
And theft of waters once sustaining
Fear not the things that love
Forgot to see beyond so cruel
For deep within your wisdom
You'll find your inner pool."
środa, 2 września 2020
Ars Amandi
I znowu z kodem morse`a. Wątki się plączą jak w życiu, więc żeby odczytać ten fragment, trzeba woli, cierpliwości i czasu. Wiersz umieszczam poniżej, ale który fragment zakodowałam nie powiem, zostawiam to poszukiwaczom. Klucz do kodu znajdziecie pod zdjęciem.
Once again with morse code. Threads are tangling as in life, so, to read exactly this fragment of a poem, one need will, patience and time. Whole poem you may find below, but this tiny piece placed in my work is for those, who are seekers. The key for code is below the image.
The grass is beneath my head;
and I gaze
at the thronging starts
in the night.
They fall... they fall...
I am overwhelmed,
and afraid.
Each leaf of the aspen
is caressed by the wind,
and each is crying.
And the perfume
of invisible roses
deepens the anguish.
Let a strong mesh of roots
feed the crimson of roses
upon my heart;
and then fold over the hollow
where all the pain was.
*Ink drawing on paper, 42 x 59 cm/ 16,5 x 23 in
wtorek, 4 sierpnia 2020
Kolejna bajka dla małych karaluszków/ Next tale for little cockroaches
poniedziałek, 3 sierpnia 2020
~Lily Bloom
Never there, never now, goddamn interlocking doesn't work. You want me to exist only here. You love me only here. I exist only here. No name, no body, just a convenient shop with desires. You keep saying it's not reality, you keep saying you don't really love, you keep saying, that if you getting love me, you would really leave me for good, you keep saying, that if I were to love you, you would walk away for good, that it's not for real, that because of these desires I am worth little as material for love, that because of my emotions I am worth little as material for love, that because of my affection I am worth little as material for love. You repeat that I am lovable, that I am easy to love. When I loved the first forest and when it slipped under my eyes with the image of the night sky fed by the bloodstream of the branches, I thought it was forever. When it slipped under my thoughts with blades wounded by branches thrown like a skin, I thought it was forever. When it slipped under my heart with the eyes of the animals, which were reflecting the Moon, I thought it was forever. You keep repeating, that I am easy to love, that there are these easy-to-love girls, intended for disposable wear and tear, and usually at the instruction you can find the annotation "product with a limited expiry date" (or "deep freeze allowed") and there are also those girls that will last for years, you keep saying I am a deep freeze one. You told me, that I will not dream there, that even if I open my eyes, there will be this white snow only and I could not see anything more than that. That it's better for me to go to sleep and maybe in next hundred years you will come back and you will be able to wear me out and even if I will be a tiny cold, it would be still perfect for this one-off event. And I am not telling you how everything sprouts inside of me in this place with no horizon. You repeat me about flowers so rare, that their endemicity must be preserved, that I am the vessel for these flowers from the red list, that i am the garden with no acces, which should be observed from a safe distance to not change the environment accidentally, i repeat to self, that I am the circus for researchers of rare plants and for collectors, who are thirsty of peculiarities.
I keep telling you, when you lock me back there, in this cold hell, that I've learned to tear them out, those bloody rare flowers. With roots. But you don't hear me singing anymore.
~Lily Bloom
środa, 29 lipca 2020
Rzeka/ The River
środa, 22 lipca 2020
niedziela, 19 lipca 2020
The Well
środa, 15 lipca 2020
This will be a part of wider project, so the context of the work may evolve and new, additional meaning may be given to it. More will be revealed with time.
*Dybuk, rysunek tuszem na papierze / Dybbuk, ink drawing on a paper
wtorek, 14 lipca 2020
Whelve or bury deeply or hide something
drink from me, I said, this is my blood, and there was no brave ones, no one dreams about
I've never wanted to stop, it's the very rare moment in time, the only one moment in time, when
niedziela, 12 lipca 2020
Something lost and something found
środa, 3 czerwca 2020
I znou dystopijnie/ And dystopian again
Next from tales about the end of the world told to sleep to little cockroaches, or The Triumphal entry of Abbi Folds Torr` unit to the last of towns, anno domini 35 after the birth of Enlightened Fold Torr.
Rysunek tuszem i akwarelami na archiwalnym, bawełnianym papierze, format 30 x 40 cm
*Work from the series: China from Ankh-Morpork, Or Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Death*(*But Were Afraid to Ask).
Watercolour and ink drawing on an archival, cotton paper, size 11.8 x 15.7 in ( 30 x 40 cm)
Rysunek tuszem z płatkami miedzianego złota na papierze.
Ink drawing with copper-gold leaves on paper.