A car in the shape of a lizard was gliding along the narrow, crowded streets of a medieval town filled with tourists and colourful stalls. The car had scales and feet and a very long tail, but it looked as stiff as a limousine, and it was just trying to turn into a very narrow, tight, vein-like corridor between two townhouses. All town, with arteries of streets, salient tibia of rusted gutters, dandruff of a falling roofs, reminded alive body somehow. I figured the car wouldn't fit there and the lizard-car was actually stuck, blocking all movement. So it threw off its long tail, lost all stiffness, transformed into a large, alive lizard and ran away into dark alleys.
I needed to get to the place where my mother was, but I had to get there through extremely narrow, claustrophobic tunnel carved in the rock and it was difficult to me to squeeze my head through this, it was one-direction path, I had no chance to get back on my previous paths. Finally I met my mother, but she was speaking in unknown language and I wasn't able to understand anything.
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